I am delighted to confirm two masterclasses for August 2017 in Belfast by two world renowned painters, maestro Michael John Angel, and Jered Woznicki, traveling from Florence.
Maestro giving demonstration, Belfast
The Angel Academy of Art in Florence is dedicated to the persuit of excellence in painting. Over the past couple of years I have been priviledged to become friends with maestro Michael John Angel, founder of the Angel Academy. Not only is he one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever met, he is also a fantastic teacher who is passionate about sharing his knowledge and committed to ensuring that standards remain high.
He came to Belfast to deliver a workshop in 2016 and it was so successful that he asked to come back again! His 2017 workshop will be on painting using the methods of Bouguereau - August 18th - 22nd.
Student painting.
This year his workshop is being followed by a second masterclass delivered by Jered Woznicki, a senior instructor at The Angel Academy. Jered is renowned for his tuition in colour mixing, he is exacting and thorough and has been described by past students as 'a full on fountain of knowledge'. Students practice each stage of the process several times and all students get individual feedback several times a day. His workshop will be Painting the Figure from Photographs, August 24th - 28th.
Pat, Brian and Pauline during Maestro's 2016 workshop in Belfast
Belfast is not as hot as Florence in August! The venue is Crescent Arts Centre, which is located in Queen's Quarter near hotels and restaurants.
For details, description and information on Michael John Angel's workshop please click here
For details on Jered Woznicki's workshop please click here
For general information email julie@juliedouglas.co.uk